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Category - Articles


Ironworker Plays a Key Role in South Florida’s Construction Business

Jeff Justice recounts the projects, rewards, and challenges  of a 43-year career As an experienced union ironworker and general superintendent at Hodges Erectors Inc., Miami, Fla., Jeff Justice wears many hard hats. He’s a driver while on the road, a problem solver when visiting job sites, a customer service rep while fielding and forwarding calls, …


Lessons Learned at AWS

The Society’s first welding engineer intern shares his valued takeaways This summer, I had the opportunity to be the first welding engineer intern AWS has had, but let me explain my journey before detailing that exciting endeavor. I’m from New Jersey and was first introduced to welding in my freshman year of high school. From …


Starting down the path of success in the welding industry – Testimony of Neil Cox Welding process specialist

Neil shares his experience as an aspiring AWS Future leader, and how participating in the various events is helping him grow exponentially. Endless opportunities My first year as an AWS Future Leader has been an incredible experience. When I was first selected as a representative, I thought I had an idea of what may be …


Behind the Scenes: Gases in Your Favorite Gadgets?

Uncover the hidden role of gases in creating your favorite gadgets. Join SOS Gases Inc. in this fascinating exploration. The gadgets we use daily, from smartphones to laptops, owe much of their functionality and design to the unsung heroes: gases. At SOS Gases, Inc., our role in the gas industry has provided us with unique …


Building Futures: Are Gases Key in Modern Construction?

Discover how gases are shaping modern construction. SOS Gases Inc. reveals its crucial role in building the future. In the towering skyscrapers and sprawling infrastructures of modern construction, gases play a pivotal role, often unseen but immensely impactful. At SOS Gases, Inc., our involvement in the construction industry has given us firsthand experience of how …

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